I wanted to start a Blog to add additional experiences and lessons I have learned as I progress getting the word out about my CARES Tool. It is my hope that I can reach nurses and health care providers that work with the terminally ill and dying. I want to help improve their skills, let them know how important the work we do for the dying is to patients, families, the community, and to our personal and professional growth.
I am launching a new website, and a book called: Compassionate Person-Centered Care of the Dying: An Evidence Based Palliative Care Guide for Nurses, it will be available through Springer Publishing the end of February. I plan to use these resources to promote and further explain use of the CARES Tool, which by-the-way, is an acronym (Comfort, Airway, Restlessness and delirium, Emotional and spiritual support, and Self-care) organized pocket reference guide that addresses the most common symptom management needs of the dying.
The CARES Tool is expanding to include versions for supportive personnel, friends and family, and pediatrics. I will continue to make digital templates available to anyone interested in printing their own copies of the tool, and I am in the process of providing the option to purchase pre-printed versions of the CARES Tool through my web site. I was made aware the template I send out electronically requires the use of a professional printing service. So, I wanted to simplify things by making a heavy card stock version available through the store on my web site. Once my book is released there will be a link made available through Springer to down load the CARES Tool as a phone app.
This is a real growth time for me and for the CARES Tool. I hope you will find my blog helpful.