Thought I would take some time to catch up. My second book is due in the bookstores after October 13th. I was able to purchase advance copies and so far friends and family have been very supportive and kind. The true test will come when strangers read it. The book is called Resilient Hearts. It follows a Palliative Care team as they work with terminally ill patients and their families in a suburban hospital. I wanted to give a working example of some of the communication that occurs and show how essential team work is when working with this patient population. My hope was to present the story with compassion and humor. Time will tell if I succeeded. You can read about the book on Tate Publishing's web site at:
I am still hoping to make a movie version of the book to reach a wider audience and to give a clearer understanding of the kind of people who provide Palliative Care. I finished the movie script now I just have to get someone to commit to making the film.
On a brighter note the Pediatric Unit at City of Hope will finish training their first core group of nurses on the CARES Tool. The plan is that they will then act as an example and help others in the unit to learn. I hope to chat with them and put together an interview to share with other nurses to encourage them to learn more about the CARES Tool.
It all seems so slow. I am grateful for the interest shown so far, but it still feels like we have so much to do. Well, I guess I need to just keep trying.
Take Care
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